Monday, August 17, 2009

More inspiration...

I've been so overwhelmed lately by the magnitude of inspiring talent out there... I could so easily just give over my blog and all my time to trying to document all of them. I could, but, then again, what to do with this finger-itchy feeling that makes me want to start experimenting myself?! Brie Ruais is my latest OMG-how-amazing-are-you-*girl-crush*... Even though I've been obsessively loving the crochet lately, my love for embroidery is still going strong. Ruais is a self-confessed hoarder and collector of ephemera and she often incorporates her finds into her work. And this is part of what I find so exciting - it's the mixed media aspect of weaving together disparate objects with a finely honed and delicate skill which just blows me away :) Her website is here and I found her via this lovely blog.


  1. Oh wow that looks so took a few moments for me to take in all the details

  2. So stunning!I can see how you love embroiderry-There is something about these little strokes, this attention and focus on something small, the sense of time,the repetition,and it is so exciting that all these artists are taking this to a totally new and original level- I play with the idea often of doing something with stitches, just to try it- but the truth is I am not a hoarder I feel like I am drowning if there is too much clutter around me, and you need to be able to have so many thingies and thingies to do collage work of any sort- who knows, maybe one day...I feel your point of view though- you ask about Julie and Julia- its the most delightful film- OMG you have to watch it- its about this wonderful cook Julia Child and a blogger Julie who blogged about her and cooked her recipes for 365 days....OMG, it was brilliant!- something to fall in love with absolutely-...the bad thing is that now I cry at the happy bits too!!!!
    Please promise you will see it!
    Annamaria xxxx

  3. thanks for sharing Kylie! Concerning finding interesting stuff on the internet, you are The Hercule Poirot :-)

  4. Thanks for fabulous comments! I think I spend waaay too much time on the computer, myself ;) K

  5. Oh wow. Inspiring indeed! I've also been seeing arrows in home decor of late... Love.

  6. This is so incredibly beautiful ... I'll be waxing lyrical about this one today methinks!
