Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good things come in 3s!

Remember a week or so ago, I won this wonderful paper sculpture from the lovely Nicola at My Handmade Heart?

Well, yesterday, I discovered I'd won not only this gorgeous brooch from RE-Read...

... but also my very own beret to be crocheted in the colour of my choice by the fabulous Melanie at M*...! How lucky am I?!

I was thinking now might be a good time to rush out and get a lottery ticket... but you know, I think that'd be pushing my luck ;) I'm more than lucky right now, don't you think?

Thanks Melanie, thanks Re-Read, and thanks again to Nikki!


Oh dear, this is getting embarrassing! Look what I've just found in the letterbox! A Pay-It-Forward from Crafty Rie! Isn't it fabulous? Look at all this crochet and card goodness! At least, as a Pay-It-Forward you know that I have some bundles to make up and send out myself. Oh, and some other Yin-Yang is that our car just got broken into... Phew, isn't it funny how too many good things make you nervous and a bit of work-to-come or bad luck makes you feel so relieved? :)

Thank you Crafty Rie - I'm sorry if I sound ungrateful - I'm actually totally overwhelmed! Thanks for such a lovely bundle of goodies :)


  1. Well done K. I just won myself a package too (which reminds me I need to do a post about), however, NOT THREE of them! Perhaps it's your name, 3sheets???

  2. oh how wonderful for can't hurt to get lotto surely????

  3. Buy a lottery already! You're obviously in a good place. Congrats!

  4. wow! that's awesome, i especially love the paper sculpture (sweet sweeeet type). if you ever feel you have to much luck to handle, i am happy to take some off your hands :)

  5. Oh You lucky woman! I've yet to win anything.still keeping my fingers crossed*

    Eggs upstream. I'm perplexed

  6. Lucky you! You must have some good karma :) Thanks for showing your goodies. Anita. xx

  7. Wow congrats! You're a lucky duck! :)
    I just managed to browse your fantastic blog for all the post that I've missed. So sorry for not leaving comments everywhere but I'm going to write it all in this one! ;)
    So sad to wave goodbye to your friend but she's only one mouseclick away really - bit hard to climb on trees together though! ;)
    Hurray for granny squares and your ticket to the nursing home! :) Well done - I love cotton yarn - you(re going to have heaps of fun!
    I should learn from you and not skip eagerly from one thing to another and try to concentrate a bit more on one thing... goodluck to us both! :)
    That cross stitching looks amazing! wow! :)

  8. Ooh Can you rub some off on me please??! You lucky Duck! The book looks beautiful where you have put it, perfect spot for it! Thanks for all the Love Kylie you are a truly wonderful person............hmmm perhaps thats why you keep winning things....Good Karma come backs around!

  9. Indeed a lucky ducky! I love the grey beret :)

  10. it's a magic number for sure!! it's my favourite number. congrats on your wins :)

  11. Wow! Good on you Kylie. You totally deserve all three gorgeous things - enjoy ;)

  12. I am sure I was going to win that beanie!!! Bummer!! I bet you will look fantastic in it!!!

  13. Well done Kylie - definitely on a lucky streak there, beautiful thingfs you've won!

  14. It could have been luck or - you must have just plain old deserved it - such lovely postal goodness!

  15. Oh my gosh, what a star! Buy the lottery ticket now!

  16. Enjoy the goodies, they are all gorgeous and I am so sorry to hear about about your car, that is just crappy.

  17. Patently and obviously well deserved good karma. Except the car bit. That bit was only to make you feel less uncomfortable with all the win win. And to help you buy a lottery ticket.

  18. Spooky - I just posted a post on 3 wondeful things!.... and then came to 3 sheets and your post :)

  19. Wow lucky you they all look great

  20. Feel free to let some luck rub off on me..Lovely things!! And I say go for the Lotto haha...

  21. You lucky girl! I never win anything, so I live vicariously through others. ;)

  22. You win everything because you're so amazingly positive. That can only come back to you (save for the car break in!). I'm glad I exposed you to something that inspires! Makes me feel like I'm somehow giving you something because you always post such great things that wow me.

    You're making stencils to screen print with? I'd try acetate. It's hard to cut (the hand abuse continues) but it gives this durable stencil that you can spray stick onto things. Looking forward to seeing your stuff here soon!

  23. Lucky girl indeed!! Enjoy... :)
    Annamaria xx
