Saturday, August 15, 2009

Creative gardening

Weekend thoughts turn to gardening... and there's quite a bit of innovation going on in this arena. I'm always looking for ways to bring plants into the house. I often find interiors stale without this living entity breathing life into the surroundings. So, first up is Green Pockets (above). Ceramic tiles made from recycled materials, these cleverly-designed pieces are the work of Maruja Fuentes and give the illusion that the plants are actually growing out of the walls. Found via here.

Another interior gardening innovation is the Sky Planter designed by Patrick Morris. This is quite an amazing concept... An internal reservoir system feeds water directly to the roots of the plant so nothing dips out of its seemingly upside down ceramic pot. Usually I have quite a strong aversion to hanging baskets but I think if you chose your plants wisely this could actually look quite gorgeous. I also like the way it gives the illusion of being a pendant lamp ;) See more at Imaginative Growth. Found via here.


  1. So cute, makes you want a very small garden. I think it must be the weather as I was 'seen' out in the green today.

  2. LOVING that gravity defying planting...Hmmm..

  3. I can see some of those green pockets in my bathroom... would be so cool!

    Imagine your visitors reactions if you had the upside down plants! There would be much touching and many questions. Love the orchid. :)

  4. Cool idea, not that I'm into plants, need too much nuturing.

  5. Amazing! I'm with you: my house wouldn't be a home without green life :) I am loving the vertical gardening movement, perfect for us city dwellers.

  6. oh wow. i love the suspended, upside down pot plants.

  7. I never thought of hanging plants upside down but they look really cool!

  8. oh how amazing i love these! thanks for the great links!
