Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday Sport

I was a soccer mum this morning :) It was so cool - miss L's team actually played a draw (our best result so far!) A nice reward for all the character building games we've had to date ;) Have a lovely weekend!


  1. You must be the classiest soccer mum out there I reckon! How lovely...

  2. You don't know New Farm, Gina! I'm a dag in comparison ;) Thanks for commenting. K

  3. Kylie what is a dag?
    Anyway, I can relate totally- I was a soccer mom for my son until this year(he just finished grade eleven) where snowboarding and muscle building at the gym took alot more of his time! But this September I am enrolling Lucy at soccer for the first time(Lucy is seven).Just like you say I think its TERRIFIC character building experience!
    Have a great weekend!
    Annamaria xx

  4. Weekend at last & time to catch up on your blog! :) The 'what I'm working on' on the right hand site looks very intruiging... just syaing 'cause I'm not sure if I will see it will catching up! :) Happy weekend to you, soccermom! :)

  5. Oh Annamaria you made me laugh! This is such a funny word to explain! A Dag is a New Zealand expession that gets used a lot in Australia as well... literally, it's the bit of poo off a sheep's behind! Colloquially, it means someone who is a bit geeky/gawky; a "funny old thing", but it's an affectionate term for this. What I meant was that I'm not one of the glamourous mums around these parts, more quirky perhaps! ;) K

    Great to see you here, Mitsy! Thanks for visiting :) K

  6. MmHmm. Bet you played every step of the way right along with her! How much jumping up and down did you do yourself?!
