Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New brooch

I've been working on a new brooch and suddenly had the urge to add a bit of colour... very unlike my usual sombre palette! But I think it works :) Must be my reaction to winter... My work room looks like a bomb's hit it so I must get to tidying up. I've been going through my favourite blogs this morning and seen so many amazing things that you're all working on. As per usual, I need to create order before I can do something with my inspiration (it's like exam time at school all over again!) Have a lovely day – it's blue sky beautiful here in Brissie. :)


  1. I love the little touches of colour, this is the sort of fabric brooch i would wear. Much more grown up and artistic than crochet flowers or paperpiece hexagon flowers that i've been seeing everywhere. Beautiful Job K. When you setting up an ETSY shop so i can buy one of these?

  2. i DO so love your fun..

  3. Thanks for this - you are both sooooo building up my confidence levels! I do want to do an Etsy store but I'm not a very organised person and need the insider info on how much time it takes out of your lives? You both have wonderful E-stores! K

  4. Just gorgeous Kylie! You are clever!

  5. When you have worked out how to Etsy store your lovely brooches and if it's possible to lead a relatively normal life as well, could you let me know?

    (PS. Kids are best at 'finding faces' - they don't have to go searching for their inner child!)

  6. It's beautiful!!!!! I love the colours you used.


  7. Its lovely Kylie! I think your risk-taking with colour works really well! Of course you should have an Etsy shop, I opened one a few weeks ago and I have just left it because I have no time just now to do anything about it...But I don't regret it, I will pick it up again when its possible- But you Kylie, have clients awaiting, and I am one of them! Have a good day!

  8. This is such a cool brooch, I love your designs and your embroidery is perfecto!

  9. Love the brooch Kylie,your use of colour is perfect - I'll have one too!

  10. Beautiful brooch. It reminds me of something my Mum made years ago which I'm now going to have to ask her about ..... x
