Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My first swap!

Look at the gorgeousness I've just received in the mail! The lovely Christina from A Little Bird Told Me has sent me a package full of the most wonderful crafty bits: fabric, hand-printed cards and felt, a vintage tourist postcard set and the most gorgeous fabric carry case, just perfect for bits and bobs :) ...and all she got was a brooch! I'm feeling there's a bit of inequity here, Christina! Thank you so much!


  1. Oh my, what a wonderful surprise! Tres fruitful.

  2. Thank you! I hope you like it and can put it to good use in the future! I love the brooch! I am uploading photos of it now...


  3. what luck- lovely brooch, lovely swap, lovely gesture

  4. How cool!! Your brooch you gave her was very special don't forget!
