Friday, July 24, 2009

Do you remember these?

I'm having a trip down memory lane today. I couldn't believe it when I found these vintage Old Maid cards on the Net... we used to have a set just like this when I was a child! I can't describe the feeling when I saw them,... the nearest I can get to it is that it's like meeting an old friend (ie one you got on well with of course!) It's my partner's birthday and these occasions always set me looking back over the years we've had together. This morning, though, I've gone back even further in my memory to my childhood... go figure, hey? Anyway, we still feel very young at heart even though we're both 42 now (he's no longer my toy boy as of today!) Happy Birthday Kevin! (I know, Kylie + Kevin - no Neighbours jokes please!)

If you'd like to see the whole set, you can find them on this Flickr Set. I found them via here.


  1. Ummm YES! Whoa, flood of deja-vu right there.

  2. Yes! We used to play Old Maid when we camped at Byron as kids.

  3. I do remember those cards! They are great. What a trip down memory lane!

  4. Happy Birthday to your Kevin! lots of birthdays in a row- my son's is coming up on Wednesday too...Did you make a cake? My son wants me to make him a traditional white New York Cheesecake...
    Have a lovely celebration!
    Annamaria xx

  5. I LOVE them even though I don't remember them!!! I found a Rupert the Bear set at a car boot in England last year just like the ones I used to play with so I can guess at the feelings you had when you saw them!!! Good find Kylie! xx

  6. Hey! Thanks for your comments everyone! Yes, it is twenty to two and we've just waved goodbye to our guests... I didn't make the cake I'm afraid - i bought it. But that's because I've been cleaning and setting up for tonight all day and cooking two huge curries and all the rest, so I hope I'm forgiven ;) Birthdays are hard work. Love cheesecake Annamaria - show a pic? Your last one was a great giggle ;)
    Re the cards - I remember my nightmares and utter terror at Diver Dan. I used to dream about being crushed to death by an octopus!
    Thanks for all your lovely comments! :) K

  7. Love those cards : )
    And I have a friend Carly who is married to someone named Simon. I'm sure they get tired of the jokes also!

  8. I had this same set - creepy but cool. Miss them like the devil!

  9. Thanks for the link to Charlotte's Fancy! I loved those Old Maid cards too.
