Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Caravan love

I've just been leafing through the August issue of World of Interiors and came across this gorgeous and impossibly romantic Vickers Caravan, circa 1977.... are you in love? I am :) What is it about these intimate spaces that attract us? I see my youngest daughter still making cubby houses under desks with blankets etc and recognise that same need. Is it Virgina Woolf's room of one's own? It must be some romantic yearning in the psyche... it's certainly common enough for the owners of this caravan to make a nice living out of renting it in its Cornwall resting place. ;) I just love all the finishing touches - so cute! Did you see the Charles + Diana mug in the cabinet?! There's even a fireplace! You can find this little beauty here for more info.

Click on the photos to see them super-size!


  1. I can't believe the storage space and the windows in this ultra-sophisticated caravan!
    Isn't it just a beauty! I would definitely spend some vacation time there- as long as someone else cleans up- this is my new rule- vacation means no cleaning time!
    Anyway, me and daydreams- I wanted to say I am so glad you love the World of Interiors, I adore that magazine!
    Annamaria x

  2. I absolutely do love it! Craig and I are dreaming of refitting a caravan at the moment - although it's only got as far as looking for knackered 'vans on Trademe!!! This post has definitely get me thinking ....... xx

  3. Oh wow. Wanna go away with me?

  4. These caravans are gorgeous! wouldn't mind living there.

  5. My inlaws are coming to stay over summer for eight weeks. Did you get that? EIGHT weeks. In my house. The one that is perfect for FIVE persons only. My mind is a tickin' over....

  6. this is my friends caravan down in cornwall and its in the most lovelly place too so gorgeous i've just bought one too! :)

  7. Dont know who wrote the article but that is a very nice jubilee butterfly caravan. Not a vickers.
