Monday, July 27, 2009


Yet another paper + felt brooch. This one's a lot more stylised than the others. I like it but I'm not sure... Not fishing for compliments, just wondering what you really think.


  1. It's very pretty, I love the stitching and the pop of red, and the circular body. However, I must admit that the paper fan made me think of fries from Maccas!

  2. I love this. Its ladylike and pretty. I didnt think Fries when i saw this, it reminds me of a gentleman's handkerchief poking out of a pocket.

    Im not sure why but i keep thinking this would look lovley on Mary Poppins!

  3. I think it's darling - I especially love the delicately folded paper.

  4. Ha ha! That's so funny, Gina! I can see the fries too now... and I can see the hankie as well. But then again, it is actually very Mary Poppins, Nicola! One thing I do actually love about all these brooches I've made is how the eye can't help but try to make sense of the shapes - we want it to be something we recognise :)
    Thank you Amanda Nicole - I'm glad you like it.
    Thanks for responding everyone! I think I understand more now about all this biz - it's all subjective, isn't it?
    Thanks again. Kylie x

  5. Yes it is subjective, and not everything you make will be your favorite, isn't that true? Its all part of the journey-but someone else might totally adore it anyway- the important thing is that you have a lovely creative flow and these brooches are little gems- go for it and don't look back for too long-
    Annamaria xx

  6. I really likes this one, and yes it is funny how everyone will see something else in it. To me it looks like a vase/pot with stems of some sort... Like the touch of the ribbon too.

  7. Thanks Annamaria + Kim! You're right - it's the journey not the destination! ;) Thanks! K x

  8. The first thing that caught my eye were the two ribbons on the left hand side and I thought 'medaillon' but hey, it's not hanging the right way so then I saw the paper and I thought 'fries' haha - were is the mayonaise? :)
    I think that it's great and this post too as it makes you stop and say out loud what your imagination tells you! Do it more often! It's fun! :)

  9. sweet! i like the use of the striped trim on this one. i dont think i've spotted this addition on your others. and im with nicola - i thought of a handkerchief in a pocket - cute!

  10. this is super cute kylie, the little pleated bit and the striped twill is very classy, i love it!

  11. I see a vase and stems too! It is gorgeous! I will be wearing my lovely brooch again today. :)
