Tuesday, July 21, 2009

40th anniversary

I've just been listening to the live recordings of the first Moon landing from 40 years ago on Radio National and I was incredibly moved. I actually cried! I was 2 years old when this happened, so no real memories were twigged or anything like that... Why is it such a moving moment still today do you think? Just so very special - maybe it's the spirit of the occasion; the thrill of going beyond our boundaries? I just love it :)


  1. Its amazing isn't? They are planning to visit again and I can't wait to see them on the moon again.

  2. I was in primary school and being sent home to watch it

  3. How cool, Sharon! Do you actually remember it?

    Thanks for the info, Bettsy - that's so fabulous.

    K x

  4. Kylie, I'm slightly older than you I think and I can remember being able to stay up to watch this on a huge black and white TV. My husband and I were talking about this yesterday because I think it's one of my very first memories.

  5. I was older than you and I remember it as
    the most entrancing thing ever! Still do-

  6. Thanks for your comments! I think it would have been the most incredible thing to see - it must be amazing to have this as a memory.
    K :)

  7. i was 9, the year of the moonlanding, i remember our teacher had darkened the room. I wasn't that enthusiastic. i was confusing 'Apollo' with 'Leopold', our king and i couln't understand what our king had to do with the moonlanding.:)i'm still an extremely distracted person, haha.
    But there's also a documentary about the Gimini project, i think apollo 8, i've seen it a few times on National Geografic some time ago. It was the first time people could see the earth from space. So, when the moment is there that the earth is coming up from behind the moon, and the astronauts started reading in Genesis, i'm crying every time, even now when writing this. The image of the earth is so powerful and beautiful that i hardly can cope with it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. i remember watching some space travel things with my parents...but i'm not sure if i actually remember this....such a neat moment in time
    p.s....on a totally different note,...i LOve your new shoes :)

  9. I love this post! I was too little to remember...like a month old or so but I think it was one amazing feat! xo

  10. it really IS so special! we both like to watch videos and read all about it in the news!! (although 40 years ago we werent here yet :) )
