Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Creative Space

For my Creative Space post this week I have to confess that, yes, I'm still working on my collage! I realised that the page needed more of a focus and, totally inspired by the amazing thread work of Naomi Ryder, I decided to have a go at hand stitching a figure. I'm actually really pleased with how this turned out – there's a shockingly bad set of photos below showing stitch progress (Actually, it's also rather a cute record of the cloud cover that blocked and let through the light onto my desk!) Anyway, I'm still working on it – I'm hand stitching some text now to go in the upper right hand corner to balance the page... I've included a little bit there so you can have a peek. :)

For more Creative Spaces or to join in yourself, pop over to Kirsty's.


  1. I think this is looking great! Im loving the mix of textures and your stitched lady looks amazing!

  2. The handstitched lady (& her "in progress" shots) are wonderful.

  3. I like the different shades of white in your photos too, the collage is looking very cool, will it be stretched on a wooden from in the end or in a picture frame?

  4. Thanks for the lovely comments! It's one of those starburst prints I did from the wet side of the screenprint, so all paper and probably picture frame I'd say.
    I've actually got a series of them planned in my head..! Hopefully I won't inflict the lot on you in Creative Spaces in the future - this blog is already looking way too much like yellow-land as it is! :) K

  5. looks fabulous Kylie! I love checking out everyones different spaces, very inspiring.

  6. This look fabulous. And please, inflict away with more. Would love to see the series grow.

  7. It's looking fantastic Kylie :-)

  8. amazing work ~ love the stitching + the yellow with the print. really enjoying your blogs too :)

  9. Kylie! That's great! Did you stitch that free-hand, or draw it first? It ;looks free-hand and I'm in awe!

    And... sewing letters with a machine is not that difficult. Drop your feed dogs, use an embroidery foot (often and open circle) and away you go. It's like drawing with a pencil except you move the paper (fabric). I haven't done that much of it and I consider my piece 'practice', so imagine what an expert can do.

  10. Hi Kylie, how nice to be in your blog, i really love your work :)
    We share a lot of common interesses, like all kinds of needlework and textiles,(recycled) paper,typographic art etc.
    It is so nice that we know each other now.

  11. Fantastic work, and yes 3 is the magic number!

  12. I think the hand stitching is great, really adds something to the piece.

  13. Please show more- its lovely to watch the creative process unfolding...And yes, the hand stitching adds a whole new level-

  14. I love looking at processes and this mustard yellow is just beautiful!
    Thank you too for your comment in my blgo & for the great link to that artist! :) happy weekend to you! :)

  15. love the colors and love seeing the process! the photos are not bad at all my dear.

  16. Wow, I can't believe thats handstitched - it looks fantastic!

  17. The hand stitched figure looks great. It has been fascinating whatching your collage develop over the weeks.

  18. Just doing some catch-up blog reading. I love your work, so creative and unique. I like your combination of textures and mediums. And that yellow and grey is making me happy! Colours I often forget...

  19. oh this is a gem in the making....
