Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Creative Space

The creative space posts this week have an added layer - the great heart hunt. There are two in mine. No prizes for guessing, just a bit of fun :) To have a peek at all those taking part, or to play yourself, go to Kirsty's here.

My creative space has been a week in the making. We pruned a massive banksia on our footpath and the flowers were so incredible I decided to have a go at reproducing them on fabric. Above is kind of a pictorial following of the process. I'm really happy with the fabric print, but totally surprised and delighted with the happy accident that came out of it... On a whim, after I'd printed up a layer on fabric, I put some litho paper on the wet side of the stencil and gave it a rub. The print is in the sidebar – it looks like a starburst to me. I really like it.


  1. That fabric turned out amazing! I love it. And the starburst definitely looks like a starburst.

  2. WOW - very inspiring! What do you use to cut your stencil out? I hope one day i can screenprint that well...:-)

    It looks absolutely fabulous... well done!!

  3. Gasp, that is beautiful. Did you cut it from paper or some sort of plastic, with so much work in it I'd want to be able to use it again!

  4. Wow Kylie that is so beautiful - what a talent you have! How long have you been screenprinting? x

  5. I really like it too! It's quite beautiful.

    And I must be so incredibly blind.... I can't see the hearts.

  6. wow your work is stunning!! so beautiful. I really suck at this heart thing as the day goes on I am finding less and less, I can't see yours?????

  7. Thanks for the lovely comments! I use aqueous paper, so yes, I can use it again and again. My hearts are both in the first photo... I guess it does need a bit of magnification ;) Maybe click on it for a bigger pic (I haven't checked this to see if it does go bigger, sorry!) Such a cruel irony seeing as I had soooo much trouble finding everyone else's! Sorry :) K

  8. wow. just gorgeous.

    oh, and I suck at the heart thing, I can't find yours anywhere!

  9. Your teeny hearts are totally perfect & your work is stunning.

  10. what a beautiful print...will you make something with the fabric, or just experimenting?

  11. Just experimenting I guess... No doubt there'll be some use for it in the future. I want to try out some other colour combinations too, but I must admit, I'm more excited about the print and want to play with that a bit more :)

  12. Hi Kylie, Absolutely love your print, and the colour combination in the last 2 photos is just gorgeous!

  13. Beautiful, beautiful printing.

  14. Fabulous prints! I love that you were inspired by your surroundings.

  15. Absolutely gorgeous!And so much patience! I'm tempted to run to buy material to start printing!!

  16. Phew I've got two - glad you said how many there were, by the way! I just love, love, love your print, the work in process and what came out of it. What a gorgeous piece and such a delicious unfolding of events.

  17. wow! that is incredible! I was blown away enough by your cutting, but then the print... gorgeous!

  18. Love the tiny hearts! And I love the print, it's stunning.

  19. what a beautiful space you have. I thought at first the print was a lino but then upon seeing the screen i'm guessing screenprint. Very margaret preston image but your starburst is def my fav

  20. i'm almost speechless.... that fabric print you've made it stunning - wish I could learn to do that!

    x nadine

  21. That is just a magnificent piece of work! What are you going to do with it?

  22. You have a fantastic blog here! I Love,love love your starburst! And the print is amazing too.

  23. The fabric print is gorgeous. I really like the starburst too.

  24. Beautiful print. Ironically I noticed the starburst print on your side bar and wondered how you'd done that. Now I know! I think I may be your newest follower. Great stuff here. Love Claire Stening's work too. I feel the same about such pieces.

  25. Gorgeous fabric print and the happy accident is fabulous : ) Sorry, I can't see the hearts - but it's a bit late and I'm a bit sleepy :D Such a beautiful blog!
