Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Web Find: How We Say Hello

I think I've found my all-time favourite blog... How We Say Hello. This one's a shared blog between two friends, Famapa in London and Sandra in Gothenburg, Sweden. Both are passionate about photography and each week they choose a new theme and post their daily interpretations... It's just magical. So simple. So beautiful.

Topic 17 from last week - my fav post so far

Both friends have their own blogs and they're pretty spec too. Sandra's has loads of craft and photography and Famapa's is mostly photography.

Sandra's other blog, Smosch, is here.

Famapa's other blog, My Funny Eye, is here.

They're not the only ones doing this either – there's an Australian duo, Amy and Luci, who have a fab site too, We Make Words. These guys take it in turns to photograph a word made of found objects and each word has to somehow relate to the one before it.

The last two posts from We Make Words

Luci's other blog is Happiness Etc and Amy's is Tummy Ache. Both are blogs of illustration, craft, photography and even a bit of cooking sometimes.

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