Monday, May 11, 2009

Web Find: The Curiosity Shoppe

Yubz headset for mobile/cell phones 

Pencil sharpener Desk Organiser

Stitch Postcard with the needle + thread

Pinhole camera – you assemble it + it actually works with normal 35mm film

Stamped library card in sleeve, mounted onto a blue card

After I waved off all the family yesterday afternoon I relaxed by getting lost on the net, clicking into one site from another until I didn't know how I'd got to wherever I was, but... I did find this... The Curiosity Shoppe – what a find! So many fabulous + fun finds, I could barely choose. You have to have a look the next time you're stuck for a gift. Very much drawn to the stitched postcard – imagine charting your journeys with a thread! Also, the headset for mobile/cell phones – the irony is just gorgeous.

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