Sunday, May 17, 2009

Shirt in Progress

You might have noticed the May Giveaway link in the sidebar? Well, I've been thinking about what to offer as my giveaway and so far, shirt-in-progress is looking like the front-runner. This has spurred me on to play with it a bit more. I've block printed one of the front panels and have been playing with some more fabric panels. It's still a shirt-in-progress but I thought I'd gauge interest. So..... what do you think? And yes, I will absolutely take lack of response as a "don't think so, babe!". No problems - I just want to know.


  1. Thank you for making me one of your favorites!! I am making you one of mine too. Very sporty & snazzy shirt you're making.

    Warm Wishes,
    Karen Eileen

  2. Hi There - i love your shirt! and your blog. Your screen printing with the Year 4's post was great.

    I learnt how to screen print (i have a post on my blog) on the weekend and absolutely love it - so i am going to follow your blog to inspire me in my new obsession :-)

  3. Thanks Katy - screenprinting's a journey of happy accidents, but it is good fun, isn't it? Love your blog. K

  4. Thanks Karen for being so lovely! I'm so glad someone likes the shirt! I feel more inspired to finish it now :)
    (I've actually started making some brooches too just in case the shirt got a zero report card!)
    Thanks again. K
