Thursday, May 14, 2009

Screenprinting with the Year 4s

Wow – I am exhausted! I've just returned home from a morning of screenprinting and block printing with 24 nine-year-olds and my already high respect for teachers has increased by leaps and bounds. The kids were great and they really enjoyed it, which was so gratifying. It really was lots of fun (I just feel like I've run a mile!). Obviously, I can't post any pictures of the kids without parental approval so you'll have to believe me when I tell you they were totally rapt. Year 4 library bags now abound! Big thanks to the lovely Mrs Jones for letting me have her art class for the morning.


  1. Those library bags are so so cool!! No wonder they were rapt.

  2. They turned out great! What did you use for the stencil?

  3. Thanks Thea - just aqueous paper (is that what it's called?) cut out with a blade. K

  4. I don't know it but I will check it out to suggest as an alternative for stencil printing. Thanks for the info.

  5. These look fabulous! What a huge success, well done! Bet the children loved it!

  6. Those kids were amazing - isn't it wonderful when you really like your childrens' friends? I mean, I know they're only 9 but they were great kids. It was fun. K
