Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Mag: Selvedge

Fabulous British textiles mag - Selvedge

Feature story - for the first time, 9 men are part of the graduating
class of the Royal College of Art Textiles Department this year

This is my very favourite textiles magazine (so far!) – it's just arrived in the mailbox! Go online and have a look – it is so beautiful. The stories are interesting and thought-provoking, the features inspiring and they have an online shop too! Look for the virtual tour of the current issue on their site. The only downside is, of course, that all the resource addresses etc are in the UK. Still, great to see what's going on outside our pond!
I should mention, I took out a subscription to the new-ish Brisbane textiles mag, Peppermint, while at the recent Stitches + Craft Show. You can have a look-see here. Can't wait for my first issue to arrive!


  1. I love Selvedge Mag - I just got mine too. And I have been buying Peppermint Mag since issue 1 (ok, there have only been 2 so far).

  2. Isn't it gorgeous? I can't wait to see Peppermint too.

  3. Ooh, I'll definitely check it out. It always makes me happy when mags have online versions, because it's so hard to get English language ones here in Hong Kong!
