Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Creative Space

I almost forgot my Creative Space post in all the excitement of the giveaway! So, here it is. My youngest daughter is getting confirmed at Mass this Sunday and I suddenly realised that this child does not possess a dress anywhere near the colour white. So, I found a scrap of white linen and a funny old damask tablecloth that was unused and still brilliantly white (who knows where it came from!) In any case, above is the trusty sewing machine and accumulated whites which came together for the final product. (Yep, I know it's a bit lopsided but I figured this child almost never sits still long enough for anyone to notice!)

For more creative spaces or to join in the fun, visit Kirsty's site here.


  1. Clever you. I'm sure she'll be the only one confirmed in such an eco friendly made with love ensemble.

  2. Wow, this dress is so gorgeous, well done, your daughter will look beautiful.

  3. Beautiful. Hope you have a lovely day.

  4. What a beautiful dress. Your daughter will look lovely. Best of luck!

  5. The dress looks great. Well done.
