Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My baby is 9!

Miss L's homemade birthday cake (we had a party on the weekend)

Miss L's self portrait

It's quite strange being at this stage where your youngest is 9 and your oldest is starting high school next year. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Maybe that Etsy shop will be a possibility soon... 


  1. happy b-day to youngest...
    my youngest just turned 10 and my oldest is finishing her first year of high school (with one between)
    would love to see your etsy shop!

  2. Thanks for this - and thanks for your lovely comments. K

  3. Happy Birthday L from A & B in Cairns. Hope you had a great day.

  4. Hey guys! Thanks for this. Girls are tucked up asleep but I'll tell them tomorrow about your message. What do you think of our rocker chick? Isn't it fab? Hope all good for you. Love from all of us xxxx
