Sunday, May 31, 2009

Made me smile...

I've stumbled upon a bizarre little blog called Paris Daily Photo – no prizes for guessing its content but it also has a little story attached to each scene which are actually incredibly delightful and fun. My favourite post is above – go to the blog to read its accompanying post, it's hilarious. The indignation that it's not Paris (hearts) me!  ;)


  1. This is very cute, thankyou for sharing, I have an endless fascination of France this will satisfy much better than a pain au chocolat. Should we help Brisbane?

  2. I know Eric, he's a very nice guy and his blog is fantastic

  3. It's fabulous, isn't it? I love the way he talks about how he finds the subjects of his photos and also how real they are - separate to the usual images you see of Paris but still the same place. You can tell by his writing what a lovely person he is :)
