Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cloth Kits

One of my favourite buildings in London is the Trellick Tower by Erno Goldfinger. I am an absolute sucker for anything imprinted with its image... I've been longing for the gorgeous People Will Always Need Plates Trellick plates for an age. So, you can imagine my excitement when I found this very cute skirt. The company is Cloth Kits. Apparently, they started 40 years ago and after a hiatus are back again with a wide range of kits for clothes, toys etc. Rob Ryan has designed a skirt pattern for them and... People Will Always Need Plates have allowed their Trellick design to be used!

Above, the skirt image from their website (I haven't got around to making mine yet)
and below, detail of my skirt kit.

Anyway, speaking of cloth kits, I remembered that my friend Bec's mum used to make kit dolls a few years ago and that I have a very lovely one in my work room that Bec gave one of my daughters when she was born. Here she is (below), minus only her gorgeous little apron which must have been lost over the years (sorry Bec!)

Louise still makes her cloth kits of soft dolls and animals and has her own website called Louise Elliott Design. You should see these amazing toys - the colours are so vibrant. These are my favourites, below. 


  1. The skirt is fab!! Pictures when you've made it please! And the dolls are great too.

  2. You made me laugh out loud! :) Yes, I should make it before showing... quite right. Thanks for comment. Kylie

  3. I love the concept of cloth kits - when i am rich and a big time designer i am going to make the i reckon - just waiting on my lotto numbers to come through! But i was thinking about screen printing some simple purse kits though...mmm you have got me thinking....

  4. It's a great idea - especially in Australia where fabulous fabrics are hard to find. I think you'd be on to a good thing! K
