Friday, April 10, 2009

Welcome to 3 Sheets!

Three Sheets actually began from a discussion with my friend Sarah who thought it'd be a great business name, "Three Sheets to the Wind". It still may be, but for now I've pinched it from her (with permission). I've left off the Wind part because... well, this a craft blog and nothing to do with drinking at all, I'm afraid. Its other beginning came from an amazing window display at Selfridges in London, in about 2006 - pictured above. I've clouded out the faces of the people who walked past when the photo was taken. It was the most incredible set of displays - each one taking a popular phrase and reinterpreting it, for this one it was as sheets of fabric on a line. It could just as easily be sheets of paper or felt, or any of the other materials I love working with. So, here it is... the beginning. 

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Kylie. Your "beginning" sounds great. I did my work experience to become a Visual Merchandiser (whilst studying post grad for my Certificate in Display + Presentation with the City + Guilds of London) with the Selfridges Window Team. I found that level of creative thinking very liberating and inspiring too. That's what got me hooked on VM. It's like a gallery of ideas in a window.
    Love Helena's felt piece from the first collection - and the slate background. Thanks for the read! Janet -
