Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Green Things

Confession time: instead of finishing Molly's formal dress or cooking dinner etc, I've been delving into a heap of fashion blogs. With grand pretensions of doing an Ellen von Unwerth (it's okay - I know I'm not even close), I've put together my own fashion story. Source of inspiration? My new green boots - I love them! 

Loving green in general at the moment and have put together a small collection of my favourite green things. Starting with.... my new green Arche boots! Aren't they cute? Teamed here with Paul Smith green paint marks scarf and Gold + Wood sunglasses (which are faintly green in the translucent acetate!) 

In need of some genuine green? Greenest of all are the kaffir lime leaves we had to prune off our tree, looking all gorgeous on the chair waiting for me to bag them and freeze them.

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