We're off very soon for the Christmas holidays so I won't be blogging again until next year. Don't know how I'm going to cope being computer-less but I'm taking my crochet with me and some embroidery things, as well as essential reading material! So, a big MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!
Thank you so much for a wonderful first year of blogging - I've enjoyed it so much and just loved all the new people I've 'met' through this incredible thing. This set me thinking about what I'd achieved this year... I started blogging in April and looking over my posts it feels like so much has been made and lots of creative play has been had... I'm not sure most of this would have happened without the blog to drive me. So, taking stock of my blogging year, the inventory includes....
... loads of brooches...
... learning how to crochet...
... more sewing than I'd realised...
... paper stitching...
... felt printing...
... embroidering...
... exploring collage...
... making bags...
... and, lastly, making my very first doll.
What a year! Thanks so much to everyone for being so supportive and so very inspiring! See you next year and best wishes for a wonderful holiday season :)
happy holliday kylie, it is amazing what you have done last year, but it is true what you said about blogging, it is very stimulating!!
before i started my blog, i had a few boxes with some croching and needlework nobody was interested in, and now after only 1year, i created a new world with my stuff! Thanks a lot for your many encouragements, it helped me to have more confidence:-)
have a nice christmas time!
enjoy your holiday kylie, it's been a real joy reading your blog and seeing all this amazing work that you do so well.
omg kylie, what an abundance of beautiful work you have done this year.... oh you are so lucky to go away with christmas- i am dreading the heat... where are you going to? will be lovely if we can catch up in the new year, looking forward to it! have a wonderful break, i am sure you will come up with many loveliness next year. enjoy! and i also would like to thank you for all your lovely comments over the last year. xxx mady
A lot of beauty have come from your hands this year Kyile. Hope it will be more next year. Whish you a pleasent and fun trip and a happy new year!
So much beautiful craftiness, enjoy your break and have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
What a fantastic idea! An over view of all the crafty things you have achieved this year! Wonderful. You should make it into a meme!
You have acheived so much. Thanks for sharing it with us. Thanks too for my beautiful brooch. Best wishes for your holiday and for you New Year. May it be even better than this year. :)
hey kylie!!
merry- early- christmas!!!
and thanks for all of your posts! there were so many great things we didn't know before!
have a good holiday!!
You've done amazing things this year Kylie. Thanks for your constant inspiration, information-sharing, horizon-widening and encouragement. You're ACE. See you in the new year...
Have a wonderful holiday and an ace new year! here's hoping the new one's full of lots of inspiration and crafty stuff. XX
a fabulous roundup for all to see your high level of production and enthusiasm.... glad I followed the 2009 ride, and looking forward to follow your discoveries and reflections in 2010... have a Merry One
Have the bestest Christimas and a big Happy New Year! and my goodness, you've done so many amazing things this year - you're incredible. So inspiring and to be admired for sure! xo love your blog, and I hope you all have a totally awesome holiday. see you in 2010! :)
my goodness you have been busy! And all of it truly beautiful and inspiring, Kylie. And how lucky am I to have been part of that process and receive my gorgeous shirt which I love. Have a great trip and 'see' you back next year. Karen xx
I hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas break Kylie and I wish you a very Happy New Year. Your blogs are a huge inspiration to us all and are among my favourite places on the web. I've enjoyed your words, images and craft adventures from day one and how I love your music!
Bon voyage ma belle!
you've given so much inspiration through your blog + it's been great to see your beautiful work unfold here. have a great holiday and catch you in the new year :)
xx belinda
happy holidays, have a great holiday! blogging is certainly an inspiring pastime!
look forward to another year of creativity
Wow, you've been a busy lady. Thanks for all your lovely comments. Have a super fun break.
I can't believe you only been blogging a year, you've achieved so much!! Hope you have a lovely Christmas :)
Happy holiday's Kylie. I agree that this blogging thing makes for a whole new dimension in achieving crafty and arty things. Thanks for all you've taught me this year! See you in the next...
many blessings for a wonderful holiday ..thank you for sharing your very special talents in this space..elk
what a wonderful assortment of lovely goodies you've made:)
merry christmas to you....hope you have the best holiday
see you next year
waw, you had an amazing year! I wish you all the best for the next one and a lovely magical Christmas holidays!
what a lovely creative year you have had indeed. thanks for all of your kind words and inspirational posts it has been a pleasure checking in on your blog through the year! very happy travels to you and your crew!! look forward to more blog adventures from you next year xx
Oh dear! You're off for Christmas? I hope I haven't missed you! I feel bad cos I haven't been around much lately and haven't popped by as often as I would have liked. Have a great Christmas Kylie!! looking forward to treading the cyber pathways with you in the new year.
Merry christmas. i will be looking forward to your posts after the new year.
What a wonderful year you have had dear Kylie! How lucky I feel to have witnessed your creativity blossoming! Thank you very much for everything you have shared! I wish you the Very Best- a Merry Christmas and tons of fun in your wonderings!
Annamaria xxxxxxxx
What a beautiful year you have created!
Hope you enjoy your holidays.
All the best for the coming year.
so many things!!! amazing brooches. strangely similar to ones im working on at the moment, but i dont think i will get to your level yet, they are really green with envy inspiring. :)
You have been a high achiever. Have a wonderful Christmas holiday and I look forward to seeing what Kylie does in 2010. X
You've had an amazingly creative year. I felt that way last year, like my creativity just exploded, and I learned so much and accomplished so much. It's fun, isn't it? Happy holidays!
What a beautiful recap of your year online. I look forward to seeing how your blog develops in 2010! Happy Holidays!
Looks like you had a fantastic year! Happy holidays!
Wow, what wonderful things you've made! have a wonderful Christmas!
What a fabulous showcase!
Well have a wonderful time away and may 2010 bring new and wonderful (and creative) ventures.
Have a wonderful Christmas Kylie. Crotchet and reading sounds like a great tonic! : ) I'll miss you whilst you're away. I really enjoyed reflecting back on all you've blogged about. I can't believe you've been blogging for less than a year and you've achieved so much. What an amazing reflection of all your talents, this post was. I loved it. Here's to many more creations in 2010. Cheers!
Kylie, wishing you a great christmas too and have really enjoyed reading yr blog in2009. May all yr wishes come true in 2010. Sharon
Oh wow, when you sum it all up like that it looks amazing! You busy woman! It looks cool & I couldn't agree more with you: the blogging thing keeps the creativity more then kicking!
I'm so happy that I 'met' you and I wish you and your family all the best for the new year!
Enjoy your break & see you soon! :)
Dear Kylie,
Merry Christmas and happy happy new year..
With all my love..
hope you're having lots of fun and you had a good Christmas. Come back soon!
Time really time flies. Imagine it's already one year and you had achieved so much. Your work that made us very inspired and enjoyed everything about it. Kudos!
What an amazing year Kylie, I'm looking forward to your return!
what a lot of things you have gotten done!! I must say, you are very versatile! I am too, and I find it nice to always have something I can do when I get bored of knitting or something like that:)
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